Sunday, November 29, 2009

a letter from a 'father'

Dear Prisya,
A perfectionist is a person who is displeased by anything that does not meet very high standards, a person who strives for or demands the highest standards of excellence in work, etc. Nothing wrong to be perfectionist as long as we realize that "There are no perfect men in the world; only perfect INTENTIONS."

It is absolutely vital in a good Islamic marriage that the wife respect her husband, otherwise the marriage is going to be a miserable business. Since one of the basic ground-rules of Islamic marriage is that the husband is the 'imam' and the head of the household, he has to prove himself worthy of that position, and that he can leads you to happiness in this life and in the Hereafter.

So, don’t worry, keep trying to find the prince of your dream who is intelligent, patient, humorist, mature, and religious, of course.

May Allah guide you to find your soul-mate, and may Allah guide all of us, Amin.

Votre accueil, cher. Pouvoir Dieu vous bénit.

dr. Mutiara Budi Azhar, SU, M.Med.Sc
Nov 28th 2009

merci beaucoup, monsieur budi.
que Dieu vous bénisse aussi

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