Friday, October 19, 2012


here comes the times when I finally meet an old best friend, bunch of new people as known as new friends, in which their stranger roles have brought happiness and delicate joys in my life, in which their appearance, laughs, thoughts, and knowledge have apparently opened the other door of happiness of mine.

here comes the times when I could totally not spending my precious time to think about you and how blissful we were back at those time. When I could finally being absorbed of reading a very good things filled by zillion wonderful words called books. When I could finally being fully entertained by watching Audrey Hepburn's reincarnation in a very well made French movie, Amelie, without letting any single cells of my brain sneaking around trying to capture your image.

here comes the times when I finally realize, that no matter how hard I've tried to erase you from my memory, I'll just end up with loving you even more, even harder. When I finally decide not to stop or trying hard to fight to hiding it, but letting it go, as when flow first appeared, its destiny will lead to the place where it should be there. Not here, not in mine, not anymore.

I finally realize that this is more than just enough.
That I won't try to fight them anymore every time it keeps appearing,
That I'll just smile and letting it go, as it should be.

Friday, August 10, 2012


terkadang, dalam hidup,
tidak semua hal yang kita inginkan,
bisa kita dapatkan,

tidak semua mimpi, bisa terwujud.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Titik Balik

Halo, Kay.
Di sini kita bertemu lagi. Setelah memutuskan untuk mencapaimu dengan cara yang tidak biasa ini, izinkan aku berterima kasih. Terima kasih, kedatangan tiba-tiba yang manis itu seperti semacam obat pelipur lara. Jawamu masih terasa kental ya. Dan senyummu masih sama.

Kali ini, apa yang akan aku ceritakan? Entahlah terlalu banyak hal yang berdesakan, tapi semuanya tak bisa keluar, seakan tak ada ruang lain yang tersisa. Sebenarnya aku berharap suatu saat semua itu akan meledak. mengapa? Karena bila hal itu terjadi pada akhirnya semuanya akan menjadi abu. Dan abu lebih ringan. Efisien dalam bentuk sehingga menyediakan banyak sisa dalam satu ruang. Dan akupun bisa bernafas, setidaknya aku harap begitu.

Kau tau, Kay? Matanya coklat muda. Bagaimana dengan matamu? Aku belum pernah memastikan sendiri, jadi tidak tahu. Mataku sendiri berwarna coklat tua. Dee berkata, "Matanya cokelat muda. Itu sudah lebih dari cukup". Kau tahu, Kay? Kalimat terakhir dari cerita "Hanya Isyarat" dalam buku Rectoverso Dee. Tapi, benarkah demikian adanya, Kay? Benarkah begitu saja sudah cukup? Tidakkah kau ingin terus melihatnya? Setidaknya dari jauh? Dari jarak yang aman? Atau sekedar di dalam mimpi?

Kay, benarkah bertemu di kehidupan lain itu mungkin? Jika ya, bolehkah kita memilih siapa yang ingin kita temui? Ya, baiklah. Aku tau itu sangat egois. Semua orang memimpikannya, aku, kamu, kita semua. Kalau begitu, bagaimana jika aku ganti permintaanku menjadi, bolehkah kita menghapus ingatan kita sendiri? Tidak, tidak semuanya, hanya beberapa fragmen, bolehkah? Ya, tentu saja boleh.

Tapi aku tahu selanjutnya kau pasti berkata, lebih baik tidak usah. Untuk apa? Ketika kita mati kita hanya dapat hidup dalam kenangan orang lain. Sedih sekali ya.

Kay, sedih sekali di sini. Terlalu banyak ruang yang tidak bisa aku buka. Aku baru saja menutup sebuah pintu dan terperangkap. Ketika aku mencoba membuka begitu banyak ruangan yang ada yang aku temui hanyalah hampa, aku tidak benar-benar membukanya. Lalu apa yang sebaiknya aku lakukan? Di sekelilingku ada banyak orang tapi mereka hanyalah penggumam. Penggumam, pencaci, pemfitnah, dan pencela.

Apa, Kay? Berdoa? Ya, Kay aku masih berdoa. Aku terus berdoa, kau tahu? Aku bahkan masih mendoakannya, dia, dan mereka. Mungkin seharusnya aku harus lebih banyak mendoakan diri sendiri. Tapi aku percaya semua ketentuanNya, Kay. Tentu saja, aku percaya, seperti kau selalu percaya.

Tentu saja.

Thursday, March 29, 2012


Hallo, Kay. Apa kabar?

Aku baru saja membaca beberapa tulisan lama di blog ini. Banyak sekali tulisan tentangmu ya? Banyak sekali. Ada kesedihan, ada kebahagiaan, ada banyak ungkapan perasaan yang mendalam. Bagaimana keadaanmu sekarang? Bagaimana Solo? Ternyata, setelah hampir 3 tahun berlalu aku masih tidak mendapat menjejakkan kaki di kota yang sangat indah menurutmu itu.

Kau tahu, aneh sekali, kadang-kadang aku masih sering memikirkanmu. Pemikiran-pemikiranmu, lagu-lagu Jason Mraz itu, kata-katamu tentang jarak Palembang-Solo yang hanya beberapa ratus kilometer saja.

Lucu ya, betapa dua orang asing yang terpisah jarak begitu jauh, bisa merasa begitu dekat.

Aku masih membaca Rectoverso, kau tahu? Aku masih membacanya berkali-kali. Peluk, Hanya Isyarat, Tidur. Seakan membacanya sekali saja tidak cukup. Aku masih belum menemukan sosok yang bisa mengobati hausku akan tulisan sepertimu. Tulisanmu yang begitu hidup. Satu-satunya hal yang mungkin menyatukan kita.

Aku sedang terjebak sekarang Kay, menyedihkan sekali. Aku terjebak dalam keterasingan. Dan tidak ada tempat seperti pinggiran pantai di Gent atau Piazza Navona di Roma. Aku terjebak dalam rutinitas yang menjemukan, orang-orang yang bergunjing dan tidak dapat dipercaya, masa lalu yang masih mengekang, dan sebuah hubungan yang rumit.

Seandainya aku lelaki, aku sudah mengambil sebuah ransel dan berangkat ke Solo. Kemudian aku akan mengajakmu mengelilingi Notre Dame dan menjelaskan kisah Monet, Manet, dan Renoir yang aku kagumi mengenai kisah mereka besar di Mont Matre. Aku juga akan menjelaskan beragam tipe arsitektur gereja di Itali, tentu saja.

Tapi kita hanya bisa bermimpi ya, Kay. Seperti mimpi-mimpi kita dulu. Tentang gadis kecil dan bintang. Tentang jarak beratus kilometer yang dikalahkan oleh bulan purnama yang sama-sama kita lihat. Purnama yang selalu sama, di Assisi, di Brugge, di Paris.

Aku tidak tahu lagi harus berkata apa, Kay. Tapi dirimu pasti tahu. Dirimu selalu tahu apa yang tidak pernah aku katakan. Dirimu yang tidak seperti orang lain, yang mengatakan apa yang sebenarnya tidak mereka tahu.

Di suatu momentum, garis kehidupan kita akan bertemu pada suatu titik lagi, Kay.
Entah kapan.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Carry You Home

Trouble is her only friend and he's back again.
Makes her body older than it really is.
She says it's high time she went away,
No one's got much to say in this town.

Trouble is the only way is down.
Down, down.
As strong as you were, tender you go.
I'm watching you breathing for the last time.

A song for your heart, but when it is quiet,
I know what it means and I'll carry you home.
I'll carry you home.

If she had wings she would fly away,
And another day God will give her some.
Trouble is the only way is down.
Down, down.

As strong as you were, tender you go.
I'm watching you breathing for the last time.
A song for your heart, but when it is quiet,
I know what it means and I'll carry you home.
I'll carry you home.

And they were all born pretty in New York City tonight,
And someone's little girl was taken from the world tonight,
Under the Stars and Stripes.

As strong as you were, tender you go.
I'm watching you breathing for the last time.
A song for your heart, but when it is quiet,
I know what it means and I'll carry you home.
I'll carry you home.

I'll keep running till I can't feel my own feet.
March 19th, 2012

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Cukuplah bagiku untuk duduk di depanmu saja.
Memandangi matamu yang jernih dan teduh, yang entah menyiratkan apa, kesedihan, kekhawatiran, harapan, atau kebahagiaan.

Cukuplah bagiku untuk menatap wajahmu saja.
Mengamati bagaimana dua lengkung bibirmu bertemu, membentuk garis yang nyaris sempurna, sambil meresapi teh tanpa gula, yang pahit seperti kenyataan bahwa kita tidak mungkin bersama.

Tuhan telah membuat garis hidup kita bersinggungan pada satu titik,
titik dengan kebahagiaan yangmeletup-letup.
Namun layaknya sebuah garis yang akan terus berjalan mengukir, kedua garis tersebut pada akhirnya akan saling meninggalkan, kendati hal tersebut adalah hal yang tidak diinginkan.

Maka cukuplah aku di sini,
Memandangi dan mengamatimu saja,
Meresapi dan mengabadikan setiap saat, di titik yang begitu berharga,
Melukis setiap fragmen dan berharap waktu akan memperlambat segalanya.

Maka cukuplah aku di sini,
Duduk diam di depanmu dengan senyum tanpa kata.
Bernafas dan ada,
untuk memandangi dan mengamatimu saja.

March 6th, 2012.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

6 years ago

It has been almost 6 years ago since the time I leaved Indonesia and departed to Europe. I still remember those time, clearly.

I was using my blue shirt with a pair of blue jeans and a white veil in the day of my departure. My whole family was there, in the airport, my Dad, my Mom, my little sister Ketie, and my little brother Didi. There were also some members of my big family, Grandpa, Aunt, Uncle, and my little nephew Rangga

I saw them closely, each of them. And I could see it, their feelings. Their eyes shows me all of their hopes, fears, happiness, and prayers. I wasn't sad at that time. I was truly excited, but deep in my heart, it felt like it was hardly crying. I gave my family a deep hug and stares, to made them sure that everything will be alright. I gave my sister and brother a siblings hugs and touch their little heads. I said, "Make sure everything's alright, okay? Don't forget to take care of Mom and Dad", I winked. I gave my Mom a very deep hug, kissed her on her cheeks for several times. I said, "I'll be missing you, Mom", and my Mom give me her beautiful smile. I wasn't crying at all. But deep in my heart I know my heart was truly broken.

My Dad accompanid me to leave from Palembang to the capital city. When arrived we met my travel mate Chiro and his parents. It was around 2 pm at that time while our departure will be at 6 pm. The route was Jakarta - Singapore - Frankfurt, Germany - then finally, -the land of my second life will be- Brussel, Belgium. It was 16 hours in total. A 2/3 world journey to the land of 4 seasons, the land of my dream. I still remembered my last Ashar prayer in the airport mosque. I still remembered those moments when I lifted my head and talked to Him, asked Him to take care of my family, to make sure that they'll always be alright.

It was 5 pm and our chaperons asked us to check in, yet to have the final farewell with our family. I stared at my Daddy, the one and only man I ever believe in my whole life. For a moment I felt that I was totally wrong, that I've made a truly false decision, that I shouldn't leave, I shouldn't go.

I stared him deeply and I saw it. I finally saw it. I saw from his eyes those clear and pearly water. He was standing there, my 46 years old Daddy, trying really hard to holding his tears. He was there standing toughly. While I know his heart wasn't that strong. For a moment I feel like I couldn't breathe at all. I was so hurt inside, facing the truth that from my whole life until that time, I never see him crying.

The chaperons smiled gently and said that time is over. I gave my Dad a very deep hug and tried really hard not to cry. I closed my eyes and told myself that I love him, I truly love him. My Dad released me gently, he stared at me with his warm eyes. "Don't forget to pray", he whispered. "I promise you, Dad" I saw him closely for the last time, my heart was really hurt. I walked away from him, saw him from the last time, and waved my hand. My heart was broken for the second time.

We finally entered the plane. It was Lufthansa, a German airlines and the plane was the ordinary one. It takes couple hours to arrived at Singapore. My heart was full of new hopes. From Singapore we changed the plane into the bigger one and that was a luxury and huge one. I was doing few things during the long trip. Listening to some classical songs, watching movies, reading some books, doing the regular praying. The stewards and stewardess were truly professional but it was truly cold inside so that I thought I'll be dying due to hypothermia.

Everything's was alright until midnight. It was already in the half of the trip when the pilot said that we're already above the India. Everyone was sleeping while I couldn't sleep at all. I suddenly remembered about my family. It was my Mom who came first to my mind. She was smiling at the airport and waving her hands. My tears came down slowly. I remembered my Dad whispered, " Don't forget to pray". My tears gradually became harder. Hard enough so that I couldn't even breathe gently anymore. I kept crying untill I realize, the blanket was all wet.

It was dawn and the day was just about to start when we arrived in Frankfurt. It was a tiring 14 hours journey. My body's aching but my heart was so excited. Mom, Dad, here I am, about to landing and take my first step in Europe, the land of my childhood dream. I hold my backpack tightly and ready take my first step out of the plane.

Mom, Dad, here I am, I'm already in Europe.

I still could remember those moments. The air, the cold, the freeze. I still could smell it. The sun I stared inside the Frankfurt airport. I still could saw it clearly when I closed my eyes.

We moved to a smaller plane to Brussel, Belgium and met some other exchange students from Australia. It takes only 2 hours from Frankfurt to Brussel. And after 2 exciting hours in the plane, here I am, in the capital city of European Union, Brussel, Belgium.

I closed my eyes for a moments. I was thinking about my hometown. My house, my room. I was thinking about my family. Mom, Dad, Ketie, and Didi. I was thinking about all of my bestfriends, and other things I've left in Indonesia, in the other part of the world.

I inhaled the air deeply, and exhaled it deeply too. I opened my eyes widely while smiling really bright. Never as bright as that time before. I pray to God and fulfill my heart with a lot of pray and hopes.

Belgium, we finally met.
I take my first step and saw the whole new world. The new chapter of my life.

Mom, Dad, this is for you.