Tuesday, September 01, 2009

awal bulan ini

Nothing's special today, except my brother has gone for 2 days and it kills me a lot.

Semalem -hampir sama dengan malam2 sebelumnya- aku kebangun dengan kaget setelah ngeliat something spooky di kaca besar yang nempel di lemari sebelah tempat tidur. Selama beberapa detik I was so shocked. I thought I was seeing a corpse in the mirror, really teriffying. But after my brain got used with the situation and began to work properly, finally I realized: It was my own shadow in the mirror.

Sepertinya liburan sebulan lebih membuat Lycopene saya bertambah. Di kaca itu I was looked so much brighter, staring to myself dengan begitu kosong, with a totally messy hair. Bener-bener terlihat seperti mayat. So silly, dikagetkan oleh bayangan diri sendiri di pagi buta.

Sudah tiga hari ini aku menjalani hidup dengan so plain. I have no spirits at all. Ga ada semangat buat beres-beres rumah yang akhirnya berakhir dengan complain dari mama. So sorry Mom, I just can do nothing right now. Hidup selama 2 hari ini dijalani hanya dengan membuka fb & twittering sambil ngedengerin lagu Love for a Childnya Jason Mraz. Thanks to twitter yg at least udah bisa ngurangin beban aku dengan sedikit nyampah di sana. Also to my old friend yg berada jauh di sana, makasih udah jadi teman berbagi yang begitu baik.

Oh, I'm really curious about my brother, may Allah SWT always save him everywhere he is, everyplace he goes.

Hari ini pengumuman STAN, dan Ketie ga lulus, pas seperti dugaanku. Papa keliatan agak kecewa, mama juga mungkin, tapi terlihat biasa aja. Aku sendiri baru tau sore-sore pas wall-wall-an sama dia. Ketie terlihat(atau yah terdengar) sedih banget karena merasa bener-bener bersalah udah ngecewain papa. Then I tried to advice her and alhamduillah it works. Sedari awal aku udah tau banget, sedari dia ikut tes, sedari dia dinyatain lulus di FISIP UI jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi, kalo dia ga ada niat sama sekali buat masuk STAN. I knew it that she could never passed the STAN exam. She just loves UI so much, UI has been enter his soul since the first day she was accepted in that university. Me and my whole family was so proud, we never ever imagined-especially me- that my annoying little sister can be the part of such a great university like that.

So I think UI is her passion now, part of her life, so it's so much better for my parents to let her go to reach her own dream. I know my parents do understand about this. Thanks to Allah SWT for giving us such a democratic parents like them.

Sore ini aku mulai ngupload lagi foto2 selama homestay di belgia dulu di facebook. Kali ini aku ngupload foto2 The Netherlands edition. Aku cuma bisa senyum pahit sambil miris sendiri liat foto2 aku selama ada di negeri kincir angin itu, di Maastricht, place I used to go everytime I get bored in Belgium, Efteling, Disneylandnya belanda, tempat aku for the first time naik roller coster sampe 11 kali, then Valkenburg, a nice place yg kalo di Indonesia mirip puncak, indah berbukit-bukit. So many memories about my homestay in Europe, I don't know why, but I got hurt, I miss that time so much..

Bunga di tulip di Efteling.
Terlalu banyak kenangan yang aku tinggalkan 2 tahun lalu.

Setelah perginya my brother selama 2 hari ini, setelah tidur sendiri sejak Ketie masuk asrama UI Depok, dan setelah mengupload foto2 selama di Belanda, now I know what thing I hate the most in this world:

Aku benci perpisahan.

Semoga Allah SWT selalu melindungi orang-orang yang aku sayang, dimana pun mereka berada.

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