Saturday, February 20, 2010

a great beginning of a new year

hello there!

rasanya udah lama banget ga ngepost,
udah ampir 2 bulanan kali yak,
padahal di awal tahun ini banyak banget cerita seru yang pengen gue share.

pertama, umm..
tentang apa dulu ya?
okay, tentang diri gue sendiri dulu.
I umm.. I'm not single anymore.

I've finally found someone, the right one, to begin our journey together.
he's also a medical student. kakak kelas gue.
but he's already graduated as S.ked and now he's busy doing his job as the doctor co-assistant at our university hospital, RSMH everyday.

he's very nice. really.
I can always be myself, the real me, just the way I am, when he's beside me.
that's why I said yes when he asked me that question. he also love his family so much and very close to them, that's why I love him. and also one of the reason is that because from the beginning he always introduce me to his great family and he want me to get close to them too.

that's very nice according to me.

so since february 1st, we've been together and until now I thank God for every single time that we've spent together.

you know what, he's really busy everyday. I mean really 'busy', bukannya sok sibuk atau disibuk-sibukin. dia harus jaga di RS dan ngurusin pasien setiap hari dari pagi sampe sore, kadang-kadang sampe besok sorenya lagi. tapi dia selalu nyempetin ngasih kabar, nelpon walo secapek apapun dia, bikin gue senyum dan ketawa tiap hari, dan ngajak gue buat lebih deket sama keluarganya. dia juga ga pernah ngeluh walo sesibuk dan secapek apapun dia pas lagi tugas dan sampai saat ini, dia ga pernah marah atau kesel ataupun bikin gue marah atau kesel.

he's a very nice guy.

and I thank God for having him :)

akhirnya Blok Psikiatri alias Blok Ilmu Kedokteran Jiwa berlalu sudah.
gue sukaaaa banget sama blok ini karena gue emang suka belajar ilmu jiwa.
di samping itu semua dosennya (yang merupakan psikiater dan psikolog) ngajarnya bener-bener jempolan. ditambah skill lab di RSJ Erial Bahar yang ga akan pernah gue lupain seumur hidup gue, plus jadwalnya yang santai yang bikin gue bisa hibernasi setiap hari, hehehe.

ujiannya juga baru aja berlalu dan alhamdulillah, lagi-lagi gue dikasih kemudahan dan kelancaran oleh Allah SWT. ujian MCQ dapet case Demensia Vaskuler, mcq berjalan lancar (SEMUA slide kuliah dengan sukses gue baca dan pelajari dengan sepenuh hati, hehehe), terakhir ujian osce dapet case ADHD(Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) dan ketiganya insya Allah prognosisnya BONAM. insya Allah, aamiin..

terus ada hal lucu juga yang sempet terjadi, si pacar, yang kebetulan lagi di stase neuro, jadi probandus di ujian osce untuk case MCI (Mild Cognitive Impairment)! alhamdulillah banget gue ga dapet jatah case itu karena kalo ga gue ga tau bakal gimana pas harus ngelakuin pemeriksaan neurologis ke pasien yang notabene pacar sendiri! that should be very weird and awkward, hahaha.

lantas update terakhir, soal resolusi vegetarian gue.
gue dengan cukup sukses belajar jadi vegetarian 2 bulan ini,
belom nyampe real vegan sih, masih ovolacto sekaligus pescovegetarian, hehehe,
tapi lumayan, ternyata belajar jadi vegetarian ga sesulit dan semenderita yang gue bayangin :)

okay, I think that's enough for a quick update about me.
still has 10 months left to make this 2010 year a great and unforgettable year,

wish you'll have a great 2010 too! :)


big belly said...

it feels nice 2 read ur post this time... =)

slmt bwt kalian brdua yah... =)

just some advice 4 ur diet: banyakin konsumsi gandum utuh (cth: quak*r oats,hehehe), white meat bgs jg tuh, apalagi ikan laut (lots of omega3,don't be a serious vegan!hehehe)

Prisya Dhiba Ramadhani said...

hey big belly,
it's nice to see you again,
though I still don't know who actually you are :)

thank you, thank you so much for feeling happy too for me :)

hahaha, yes, I did it!
aku suka makan quacker oats, masih suka makan ikan (kan pescovegetarian), cuma emang ngurangin konsumsi daging, hehe.
thanks again anyway! ;)

Anonymous said...

ada yg baru jadian ni...
pacar ke berapa, pris
* i say it like you are a player. hahaha :D

cariin gw 'a medical jombloer' jg dong, pris...
biar ga jd dokter, i am happy enough to be a doctor wife :D :D

btw, ayo jln2 ke blog eke

*komen gw panjang bgt!